Tuesday, December 23, 2008

60 years ago

This is Dean and Gary on Santa's lap.

Didn't we look excited and happy??

Long time, no see, nor hear,

Can't believe it has almost been 3 weeks since I've posted. Are you ready for the celebration of the birth of the Messiah, the King of kings, and the Lord of lords, JESUS? Time to celebrate His' birth, the incarnation, Jesus was every bit man, but He was also every bit God. Hypostatic, He was. Praises be to God, for all of the impossibilities, a God every bit man and God, a virgin born Messiah, Godly love, mercy, grace, and all of the fruits.
His healings, His presence, His everything.
When I went to asleep last night, God was with me, and comforted me, in Him all night, and when I awoke this morning He had never left me nor forsaken me, or all my brothers and sisters in Christ. What a marvelous, awesome God, we serve.

Friday, December 5, 2008

December 5--short night

After a very short night, we are finally up again, and off to the races. (not really, but on the roaod again) Visited with a family, had prayer afternoon, with a family, that their 85 year old dad, brother, grandpa, cousin, is just about to leap into heaven. No more pain, no more tears, no more heart ache, no more funerals, no more cemeteries. Home at last, Home at last, takes on a whole different meaning.

Happy Birthday, Barb

Yesterday, was Barb's birthday. She is 62 years young, and she has had, we both have, but her more than I a FULL week. Christmas activities can get so hectic, not the intent, but definitely the reality.
We celebrated her birthday, by her working late, arriving home in time to leave to go to an Associational meeting 25 year reception. Prior to meeting, we crowded in a trip to Applebee's in Nixa. Then at midnight, we got a phone call that led us to Springfield till after 4 AM in the name of Ministry.
We both are TIRED.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

God is Faithful

Thanks be to the Lord, for His mercy, His grace, and HIS FAITHFULNESS. Regardless of the hour, the season, what might be going on around us, God is there. He is there to love me, and others through me in the very presense of Christ. Thanksgiving, 2008, is now history. We had a wonderful holiday, with all of the family God, has blessed Barb and I with. Barb's mom, Betty Harter, and my mom, Delsena Stewart, were with us.
Betty will be 81 in January, and Mom was 85, November 16.
Randy our oldest, and his 3 girls, Breana, Chelsea, and Megan; Patrick, our second with his wife, Becky, and their 2 sons, Will and Zach, and our youngest, Kevin with his wife Candice, and their 9, Abby, Emma, Sophia, Sammy, Elijah, Olivia, Amaris, Chaella, and Jack all were with us, beginning Thanksgiving afternoon and concluding on Monday morning, when Randy had to fly out to Las Crusa, New Mexico.
It was a wonderful time of being together.
Jesus, encouraged the little ones to come unto Him, that He might show them His compassion, His comfort, and His loving concern. Not sure how it was done, but I believe the picture of the children around and on His lap was real, as he lovingly caressed them.
Our dinner time for Thanksgiving Celebration was on Saturday, with a baked turkey and ham, yams, mashed potatoes, cole slaw, cheesy corn, french onion green beans, cranberry salad, banana creme pie, coconut creme pie, pumpkin pie, lemon meringue pie, strawberry cool whip cake.
We all I'm sure ate to much.

Thank you Lord, for the provisions.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Happy Thanksgiving
President Lincoln, who established the national day of Thanksgiving, approves this message.

Give THANKS to God for:

Today - for life, for health, for the little things.
Home - for family, for love, for acceptance.
America - for freedom, for the prosperity we take for granted.
Needs - for keeping us close to God.
Knowing You - for loving you and giving you a purpose before you were born.
Salvation - for Jesus, the greatest gift of all.

Hmmm... Sounds like a sermon

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Eve

Everyday literally is a day of gratefulness. For our Creator first, for the strength, the wisdom, the health (good or difficult), for our minds our attitude, (let this mind, this attitude be in you, that was in Christ Jesus).
I'm so thankful for my wife, a friend, the ideal mother to our 3 living sons, and that one we never saw that was miscarried, to our 14 grandchildren living, and those that were also miscarried, to our grandchildren's mothers for what they brought into the family, first themselves, and the genes with in the grandchildren.
Thankful for the food, HE is setting on the table, the roof over our heads, and this country we are in.
God is good, all the time, All the time, God is good.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Much colder

Getting ready for mom's
85th Birthday celebration

Monday, November 10, 2008

Full November and December

Isn't it amazing how full our calendar get during these months. Our calendar is literally full, but that is OK. Because, we'll get to see and better know our family. Grandchildren are so special. We had Zach and Will over the weekend. Zach was kind of my buddy a lot. He is a walker, walks, and walks, and walks some more. Cute, oh for all of his little expressions. But I don't think he can out do his brother with the wrinkle nose, eyes, smiles. We sure enjoyed them.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Happy Anniversary Becky and Patrick

Tomorrow, Nov. 8 is Becky and Patrick's 11th Anniversary. Where does time go? We are so thankful for each one of our sons and their helpmates. God has so blessed us.
Thank you Lord for this anniversary. Thank you Lord, for grandchildren, and specifically Will and Zach, whom we will have the privilege of being with for about 48 hours. May we bless God, with our words, actions, in attitude.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Weak / strong

2 Corinthians 13:9

'We are glad whenever we are weak but you are strong; and our prayer is for your perfection'

Am I glad to be weak, and you strong? I want to do all things throught Christ Jesus who strengthens me. But in my weakness I can be strong in Him, even if that might be a death bed. Remember Jesus death bed was a old rugged cross.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

President Barack Obama

22 hours after rising to work, I arrived home near 2 AM this morning, I got to bed, but rose and went to a Pastor's Prayer time at 7 with fellow pastors in Crane. Met with my reading buddy at Crane Elementary, worked on spelling words today, moved on to a Springfield Pastor's book overview luncheon with 25 pastors.
I was tired from the night of working election, counting ballots from a jammed machine while the nation was hearing the results of democracy. I've prayed and will continue to pray for President Bush, as he winds down, he has done in my opinion what he had to do. The President is in many ways a thankless position. Your liked as long as you are a Santa Claus, and your despised when you are an Authority. Rebellious people in many ways. Called by the Word of God, the Bible, sin.
I am praying for President Obama. May God move into his heart, and awaken the soul to being more like Jesus today than yesterday, but more like Him tomorrow than today.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Election Eve

Crunch time, decision time, I will be working tomorrow the election. A extremely long day at the polls. There will voters lined up to vote by 5:30 to get in at 6 to vote and on to the work stations. Emotions are high, fear is apart of this, but God is not the author of fear. May voters be sensitive to the Spirit of the Lord, and may they vote Life, Truth, and the Way.
We are have a Election Eve prayer meeting, not voting for a candidate, or a party, but that God will be blessed.


Friday, October 24, 2008

I'm still thinking

Yesterday, was one of those days. When I finally laid down last night, after a almost 12 hour day with Bruce Wilkerson. Author of "Jabez" "Life Rewards, Beyond Jabez, the Secret of the vine" and many more.
Was an intense time of soul searching, thinking, thinking, and thinking. It was a long day, but it WAS NOT A DAY WASTED.

There were about 70 of us as Pastors, and few spouses that interacted over lining up with God, to serve Him in a greater united way.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I'm Obsessed with what?

The economy, the election up coming, the politics of Biden/Obama vs. Palin/McCain.
What have you talked about today the most? Was it about the One who gave His life, for our redemption, rose victoriously from the grave? I didn't hear anything on the news about Jesus.

Think about this my friends, and my self included.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

II Chronicles 7: 14

"If my people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves and pray, seek My face, turn from their evil, wicked ways, then I will hear their prayers, heal their land"

Friday, October 17, 2008

Todd Smith Family

Smith Family Story from Matthew Singleton on Vimeo.

This video is about 25 minutes long so make sure you have time to watch it. Once it starts you won't want to walk away. It's an amazing story of faith and trust in God.

: This family has a pregnancy that doesn't go as planned. If you think you're ok with it... make sure you have some tissues.

After you've watched the video above... watch the one below.

Todd Smtih "I Surrender All" from Matthew Singleton on Vimeo.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

About half of the family!

Family reunion--------September 14
Over 150 there, this is Barb's mother and 6 of 7 of her brothers and sisters. None of our sons, nor grand kids were there. Grandma Betty or mom out front. Some had already left, by this picture taking. (Michelle's husband, Andy had left.)

Barb and I are right of center. Henry far right, Carol (Shorty) and Michael far left.

A chill in the air--

Sun is beautiful, and so is the day, the Lord hath made, might we truly rejoice and be glad in Him, as we look unto the hills, He has made, and is so beautifully coloring during this season of reds, oranges, yellows, and greens. Wow, Beautiful.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Come, to Jesus, let us adore Him!

This is not just a statement for Christmas, and Thanksgiving is not a just one day a year holiday, but every day, let us come and adore Him, with Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Will & Zach

Maturing Sam

Grandchildren growing up

I love my, our grandchildren. They are precious, and all are different as day and night. Jack, who was born March 17, will be 6 months old Friday, is already walking around things. Wow! Sammy, who was 5 in June after Day Camp has a mustache--wow!!!!!!!

Isn't Will and Zach cuties, walking across the lawn. Big brother taking care of Zach.

Abby, Kevin's oldest, is so responsible as a 11 year old, helping with family responsibilities. Breana, Randy's oldest, will be graduating in 7 months +. I love everyone one of them.

Today, was a Dr. day for my mom, we made it, but it was not easy. She is some weaker, but for almost 85 is doing well. She and I both got our flu shots, so we are winterized.

Barb painted the living room yesterday, and it looks nice, but sure smells like fresh paint. But duh, shouldn't it?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Poor Planning

Has that ever occured in your experiences of life. I had made reservations today for lunch, and paid, without knowing at the time if was going to be literally accross the street from a political rally. It had not been announced yet, when I made the reservations. Traffic, security, the whole 9 yards as Senator Biden was campaigning literally in the same time slot, I was to be in the area.

One day, we are not going to know the plan of God, when He says, "Come Home" or Church Come home. Have you made reservation by trusting Jesus Christ as Lord of your life, or have you actually made reservation for Hell, because you have not trusted Jesus as Lord.

So what kind of planning have you made?

Monday, October 6, 2008

Yes, you are special

Today, think of at least 1 person, who needs encouragement, and encourage them, but also encourage them to find someone to encourage.

Everyone of us are special and we are created in the very image of God. Just think if God has a frig, our picture would be on it.

Our attendance yesterday was down, and no visitors. We had several gone, to family reunions, on trips, or sick. Pray that the Lord would continue to grow the Kingdom of God, through Morning Star.

Friday, October 3, 2008

"Hold to God's Unchanging Hand"

A old song, written in 1958---50 years old, with a tremendous message of Truth. Truth is Jesus, Way and Life.
Song speaks of building on hope of things eternal,
Trust in Him, Who will NEVER leave you, still cling to Him (Jesus)
These heavenly treasures will never pass away-

United States of America Motto: "In God We Trust"

Pray for candidates running for President of this county, and pray God's will be accomplished.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Mark one more job, done!

Guttering is done, praise the Lord.
Still have 2 doors to put up, flue cap back on (blew off during the second tornado), and a vent pipe installed.
Got lots of painting to finish.

We are having wonderful, absolutely beautiful weather. Allergies are terrible, but it is beautiful out.
Thursday, already, October already, in the 10th month of the year. Before we know it, it will be 2009. The seasons are in the midst of change, was 39 this morning. Frost comes, it will kill out some of the pollen. I'm ready.
As we make the needed repairs to the house, what about the house, that our soul lives in. That is what is vital, is who is abiding in this house. If it is not the Lord, ask Him to come in, acknowledge your sins, turn from your sins.

Read His Word, study the Word, live the Word, NOT for salvation, but because you LOVE the LORD JESUS THE CHRIST.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Pray for grandchildren

Guess it is part of being a child, but between gashes, broken bones, busted lips, minor falls and accidents. Please pray for all 14, from the senior who will graduating in the spring, to the youngest at 5 1/2 months is crawling.

Gutter day-Reading buddy--hospital-prayer meetings

Will start my day off today praying with pastors, a wonderful time of being together in prayer. (Assembly, Baptist, Presbyterian, Independent Christian, Non - denominational, Church of God)
and will have a prayer time tonight at Morning Star.

My reading buddy, has become a wonderful time of listening to a lad read, and myself reading to the lad.

Will visit the hospital today of a surgery patient and family.

You know what ever the need, the Lord is Jehovah Jireh, our Provider.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Fall has arrived, I believe

We are done with phase 1 of our project. Phase 2, will be a new storm door on the Sun Room, a screen door on Grandma's space, and a little touch up here and there.
The feel of fall, the tinting of the leaves, a chill in the freshness of the light breezes, brings a need for a wrap of warmth. Have a football game to enjoy this evening, I'm definitely taking a jacket, and possible a blanket.
Reminds me, how the Lord, wraps His warmth, love, grace, and mercy around us as believers. I always look forward to our grandchildren being around, that we might hug them. I was not raised up in an immediate hugging family, but I do believe IT IS GOOD. and to also say, "I LOVE YOU" Jesus said, I love you to each one of us on a old rugged cross.

Monday, September 29, 2008


What does that mean? It means you have a plan, but once you start, the plan enlarges, for one project leads to another project.
We had some sheet rock repaired, but before they could replace the sheet rock, they had to replace some wood, that had got mosture in it, which let to dry rot. Needed our french doors adjusted and trimmed out. Simple, well kind of, until the tile had been laid up next to the paneling, which needed to come off, to get to the door, which needed to be trimmed back, that the doors could be adjusted.
One thing leads to another.
Our lives, when we surrender to the Lord, is clean up this closet, but there is always another closet. But He cares for us (the Lord) and He is still working on me, as we think of it as a children's song. Bottom line, we are all God's children, He loves us, and we are not perfect for around the bend is another closet to clean out, spiff up, sort through, throw out, let Him name it.
Pray for Dana and Darin Barfield today, as they deal with this cancer issue.

Friday, September 26, 2008

44 years ago today

I married my friend, my best friend besides Jesus. Barbara has been a perfect companion, WIFE, mother of our 3 sons, and the best nana, grandmother to our 14 grandchildren. She is a hard working, loyal, faithful, committed, woman of God. She loves the Lord, she loves her family, and will stay up late into the night, and rise early in the morning--if she can do something for her/our boys, the grandchildren's mothers, and the grandchildren.
She is a perfect pastor's wife, always doing, giving, and loving people.
She is a loving caring, giving, beautician to her family, @ Sonshine Manor, @ The Grace Place-

Happy Anniversary # 44 Barb--I love you

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Cleaning, and getting rid of ________

stuff, and more stuff. Clippings, books, old old old receipts. Trying to do some major organization, for when I die, the boys will be impressed. That will be a joke, they'll look at it, and say, "there is no rhyme or reason for this."
Barb is trying to get some deep cleaning done up stairs before winter.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Monday--All Day

Our day began early, for we needed to be south of Branson, this morning for a breakfast meeting on the Show Boat Branson Belle. A wonderful meeting, also this year with tremendous attendance on once again a rising lake. Silver Dollar City and the Herschend family have such generous compassionate hearts for children and families. Giving over a half million $$ to Stone/Taney County schools.
The family reunion pushed close to 150 in attendance--think we were 2 or 3 shy of that figure. Aunt Lucille Skaggs, 90, from Texas, was present and doing well. All families were represented except Carl and Dorothy's. Food, lots of food. Reunions are such a blessing after they are over, it is good to see everyone, and many you don't. But they are work, and tiring prior to and during.
None of our boys or grandchildren, were in this weekend.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Family reunion:

The invitations have been sent, the weather doesn't seem to effect ball games, the challenge is there and Jesus challenged us, there was warning in Hurricane Ike to evacuate but some defied the warning. Life is full of invitations, warnings and some come to the event, and some defy the warning. They did, and still do Jesus. He gave His life, that we might live forever in Heaven, but many choose Hell and NOT JESUS.
Tomorrow is the Harter/Arndt Reunion, but one day there will be a heavenly reunion--and some won't be there because they chose NOT TO.
Jesus is preparing for us, reunions are work---some will come, some will say, "I'm really not interested"

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Ever just want to scream

Will today, I do.
Go on a vacation, get away, and just scream.
Trust the Lord, yes, but scream, is what I'd_____________--.

I don't have any insights, to write, except, I'm getting older, and our $$$picture for retirement is not a pretty scene. Between utility bills, taxes and insurance----the budget is not pretty. We have so much stuff, some inherited, some bought, but now is about the time to downsize. Pray for us, as we take care of mom, and just want to leave for a few days.........good bye......................

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Where oh where has the week gone?

It will be a week tomorrow, since I have blogged. Labor Day weekend, Randy, Breana, Chelsea, and Meg were here, along with Patrick and Will. Was a fun time, Patrick did some weed eating, Randy did some power washing, Randy grilled some steaks, and chicken oh the grill. hmmm, delicious.
Preached Sunday, attendance was at the lake, but we focused, worshipped the Lord. Hurricane Gustav, has moved in----the rain. We had 4.45" of the wet stuff. I believe every drop soaked in, didn't seem to be any run off.
Brakes went out of Van this morning, so we are down to a one car situation. Like old times.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

History has been made:

2008 Gospel Tent was a awesome ministry experience. Many working together to accomplish, free ice water for the festival attendees, the Gospel Tent, eating, serving chicken, and cleaning up, packing up, setting up takes many hands, strong backs, and the surrendered will to God. Many serious opportunities to share the love of Christ.
One of our grandsons, begin Kindegarten this year, another grandaughter is a senior in high school this year---seems like not that many years ago, I graduated. Time truly flies, when you are having fun.
Will had his first soccer practice, Zach had his first hair cut in the big boys shop. Jack, is now 5 months old, seems he was just born, and he is going to be a BIG boy, already at 18 pounds.

Take care--God is Faithful, and He provides.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

It's here

The tent is up, the chairs are out, equipment is loaded, the singers are practiced up and THEY ARE COMING.
Tonight friend and a big help, Sharon Bennett and Chris will open the tent for 2008.

And then friend a fellow Morning Star Church member, who has a tremendous strong voice, Faye Wilks, singing some new and a few old ones.

Then Tony DeLong, and Tonya LaDawna, prior to "7 Shekels"

Wow what a first time of inspiration.

Pray for me, for the safety of the grounds, our sound man, Ryan, for those voices, in this night of dampness full of allergies.

Pastor Gary

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Getting set for Broiler Festival

Next week.
Business meeting last night.
Beautiful, wonderful, awesome, super, great weather. Thank you Lord, keep it up through August, and then cool off some more.
Barbara, is taking off next Friday for the Broiler Festival, she is such a wonderful, loving, supporting, caring helpmate from the Lord, Thank you Lord.
And she is the best mom, best nana/grandma, sister, aunt, wife, friend.

Thank you, Lord.

Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul, thank you Lord, for making me whole,
Thank you, Lord, for giving to me, thy great salvation, so wonderful and free.

Nothing is free, for it cost JESUS is life.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Pray and pray and pray for CHINA

Hasn't Michael Phelps, awed, oohed you? He is one fantastic motivator to others, and a top notch athlete. It was reality, for we are not perfect, no not one, but Jesus Christ, but when the young lady fell from the beam last night, I hurt with her. I thought if there was ever a time, when a coach ought to take and hug, it was right there, but no the coach just looked her into the eyes. She was already intimidated, embarrassed, and over ridden with guilt for her team.
But we as believers are on a team, called "THE CHURCH" not a denomination, but a body of believers, that Christ's blood was shed for. Many times, if not most of the time, we are like the coach who looks with judgement versus compassion. Think about it.
I'm wearing a bracelet, as I type, and have had it on, now for 8 days, reminding me to pray for China, Would you likewise, pray for China.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Searching for a match

The Springfield News-Leader did a story on my nephew with aplastic anemia. Click on the link below to read it.

Searching for a match

Friday, August 1, 2008

Hot and muggy, tropical, like your in the Butterfly House

I walked out this morning, and I looked for butterflies, it was hot, muggy, tropical, but only a few butterflies around. After all the rain, we had the first 6 months, but we do need a shower of moisture from the Good Lord.
We are praying for several right now very close to us, one is our grandson, who had tubes put in his little ears this week, and his other grandpa, who has fallen and been dropped this week. So pray for Zach, and Tommy. Also keep Sean, my nephew in our prayers. He is in Houston.

"Room At The Cross" for all

Thursday, July 31, 2008

String Fling Concert

What a joy it was to attend the "String Fling Concert" at Ellis Hall, Missouri State University, last evening. Breana was one of the violinist and of course she is the best. It was well planned and flowed well, with the climax being a orchestra of all. It was a night out for Barb and I, we went to 'Rib Crib', and then on to Missouri State.

I'm getting ready for Sunday, pray.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Praise the Lord, Zach's surgery is complete, and he is doing OK. He is doing well.

I Can't believe

It has been almost 2 weeks since I posted. Where has time gone? Minutes by minute, it moves on by. Vacation Bible School was a success, but during that week, my mother's brother was found dead. He was 83, had laid down for an afternoon nap, and didn't wake up, what a way to go for the prepared person. His funeral or memorial service was on Thursday the 24th in Kansas City, and I went, but made it back for Vacation Bible School Family Night. Wow, what a wonderful turnout of parents. We have teamed up with Shiloh Baptist and the Pierson Cumberland Presbyterian for a wonderful experience together with the Lord Jesus Christ. One thing about it, we who have saved, will one day, spend eternity together under the banner of Jesus---THE KINGDOM OF GOD, not a denominational name. As my uncle was being eulogized, I had a cousin, and Barb had a cousin's husband to also pass away.
Yesterday, we had lunch at "The Tower Club" over looking the city of Springfield. It was a very relaxing, enjoyable lunch with Barb and Kelly.

"Holy is the Lord" I love that chorus.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Push, Polish, & Hurry Up

I have a unexpected wedding rehearsal tonight, wedding tomorrow, as a fellow pastor had some heart difficulties this week. So the 3rd Friday singing is tonight, which I will be at, but prior to that have rearranged my schedule to fit in a early wedding rehearsal prior to singing. The Wedding is in Billings, Saturday afternoon.
VBS, Sunday evening with a kick off of a Luau?

Hurry up, Gary

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

All Star's

15 Innings
4 hours and 40 minutes
4 to 3 American League, again, again

It used to be the AL, never won, now it is the NL never wins.

I'm ready for the NL to come back out on top.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

VBS Prep

Last minute decorations, last minute trips to Party Supply houses, last minute trip to Sam's, as I support Barb in the finishing details. The auditorium looks marvelous, with the beach umbrealla on the island, the waves, and the surf boards.
As we prepare to go from Wave 1 to Wave 5 in Bible Truths of the week.
Next Sunday night, is the beginning, with a LUAU---cotton candy, snow cones, hot dogs, and fruits of the islands.
Pray for boys and girls, and their parents to be reached.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Lord's Day is Every Day

yet, we aside the first day of each week, for believers to come together in a corporate worship experience. God desires our worship, our focus, our adoration, our elevating Him, as the King of kings and the Lord of lords.
Randy and the girls have gone home, He will be flying out of KC to Nashville. Patrick and Will left a bout an hour later, heading to Ft. Smith. Pat and I attended th Springfield Cardinal game last night. We had a good time together, watching the game at time with a light rain, sometimes close to a heavy shower. The game was never delayed. But the Cardinals lost by 1. :)
Morning worship was up today. One of those days, when more of our people got there on the same time frame.

Jesus Loves the little children, all the children, of the world, every color, every race,

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Grand Central Station

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, we were privileged to be with Candice, Abby, Emma, Sophia, Elijah, Sammy, Olivia, Amaris, Chaelaa, and baby Jack. And I enlisted Megan, to assist me on Wednesday, good decision. Megan is so much help. Candice, Abby, Emma, and baby Jack, went to a seminar, and we got to develop our knowing one another.
Friday evening, Randy is home this weekend and his girls--Megan, Chelsea, and Breana,
and later Fri. eve. Patrick and Will pulled in from Ft. Smith. Family, Children, are blessings from God.
This AM, my barber, or Barbara, gave Will, Randy, and I a trim, Thanks!
Tonight, going to a Cardinal Springfield game with Patrick and his friend Craigery.
I'm already for tomorrow.

(Diamonds in the Rough" (Children)

"Jesus Loves the Little Children"

Friday, July 11, 2008

The Header

Is our front entrance via--front door to the right, or 'Sunroom door over the flower garden" to the left.

Patrick, took this picture, Barb planted the flowers, God watered it, and blesses it.

Monthly Pastor's Meeting

We enjoyed breakfast, prayer, and fellowship this morning. We laughed, we cried, we praised the Lord. So many needs in our area. "Our hope is found in nothing else, but Jesus Christ, His' blessedness."


We survived, the grandchildren took good care of us. They were wonderful, but we are tired. Wednesday, I enlisted another grand daughter to assist me, as Barb was gone to work. So I called Megan, and she's loves to see her cousins, and she is wonderful help. Megan, is 12, but she is far beyond her years in relationship ministry. It went well. I give all the Glory to God for this. They are all so special, the twins, are buddies but they are individuals. Chaella, requires more nap time than Amaris, Elijah, wants authority, but he does respect authority. Sophia, is so quiet, and easy going, Olivia, struggles some of not being the baby, but their are 3 younger than her, and Sammy, probably has me wrapped around his little finger. He looks so much like Kevin, that summer white hair, and he likes to snuggle on your left arm to read, watch a video. But they all respect, no, not now, wait--and that is wonderful.

"God Will Take Care Of You"

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Getting Ready for the grandchildren

Going to have 6 of Kevin's 9 this afternoon, through tomorrow. We'll have fun. Looking forward to it. Barb will be here this afternoon, but not tomorrow, now that may be a challenge.

Very hot and muggy here today. This has been one of those times--4 funerals in 36 hours. A wedding, and a major accident. God must have a wonderful sense of humor.

I have been trying to update the family tree, and that is always a challenge to get recent info.

"To God Be The Glory"

Saturday, July 5, 2008


Took Mom/Grandma to fireworks last night in Marionville. There was nothing out of the ordinary, but it was good for her to get out of the house. Yesterday, we were just here, so we accomplished the lawn chores, and general patio clean up.
Need to get several birthday cards in the mail today. Sean, will be 30 the 19th, and his wife Elena is having her big day the 12, and Candice, our wonderful daughter in law, and the mother of 9 of our grandchildren, will be having her birthday this week on the 10th. Happy birthday to one and all.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Just a swinging

We got a new porch swing, just us here on the 4th. We sure miss having the family around, but I guess we are to that place in life, where they all have their family. Think, we are going to have steaks afterwhile, and then go to Marionville----to see some fireworks.
So I'll leave you as I'm just a swinging.

"In God We Trust"

the Forth of July, Independence Day, Freedom Celebrations, fireworks, watermelon, cookouts, all because our founding fathers trusted God, established Godly principles or laws for this new nation, no longer under the control of the British, but free to be responsible to God's guidance.
Celebrate, yes, but remember it is more than a hot dog, a sparkler or a cannon, but those who have given much, that we might have this day. Our motto, should be individually all's motto, "In God We Trust"

Monday, June 30, 2008

My errand day

Lowe's, Wal-Mart, Post Offices, all got some of the money from us today. Nothing major, but it all adds up.
Randy replaced our ceiling fan this weekend--praise the Lord. Kelly, called tonight, as we were burning a brush pile. We keep having so many dead limbs to fall, from all of our winds, and still from the ice storms.
Izzy had a blast today, while we were outside, she is usually a free girl. She really is pretty good, as long as we are out there with her.
This weekend is Michelle Wade's wedding reception.
We observed the beauty and heard the explosive loudness of the Billings fireworks. There were some little ones around us, that cried and cried, as they did not like all the banging

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Flooding everywhere

Over 5 inches of rain, and still raining. A man in our church, who is a engineer on the scenic railroad, at Branson. Today, the train was washed off the track, with about 200 on the train, no one was hurt, but they had to rescue, and bus them out. Praise God, no one was seriously injured.
Kevin, and family are in Branson, but staying in a motel--thank goodness. They were going to be camping out. They had over 7 inches of rain in the Cape Fair area.
"The Lord is my Shepherd, that I shall not want"

Friday, June 27, 2008

Friday, all day

Rose early, had a funeral in Aurora today, for a beautiful 95 year old. Good family, fun people. They have a special reverence for God, which I personally appreciate. Did not know 99% of them, but they were good, good, people, then burial, was south of Aurora.

Ran some errands, did some study, lots of reading----listening to Hosea Bilyeu on CD, he is a special Godly man, thank God for him

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Picnic, music, testimony

Humidity, a tropical breeze, shade trees, burgers, dogs, chips, drinks, ice cream, gospel music--all tonight, with brothers and sisters in the Lord at North Nixa Baptist Church.

Celebrating Jesus,

I'm crunching a funeral sermon, 2 Sunday preps, and the activities of Sunday. Wait on the Lord, and He will strengthen. Amen

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Tuesday, June 24

It looks like the Lord, is putting together one of those weeks. Need to go to a funeral tomorrow here in Billings, for Harold Hale, and Friday, I have a funeral for Beatrice 'Bea' Roberts of Aurora.
We had no rain, today, but with all the moisture in the ground and almost 90 degrees, it was a humid warm day.
Tuesday evening we purued a VBS music DVD, and then watched a DNA Conference DVD of a church conference, in Jefferson City.
Sean, is in MD Anderson, and undergoing the treatment. He has had some rough days.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Monday--errand day

Got up, Monday's routine, is to strip the bed, laundry. Compile Sunday stats. Run errands. Monday is usually an abnormally busy day. Our sleep was disturbed several times during the night with rounds of lightning/thunder, hail, heavy rain, wind. Not just once, but at least 3 times between 2:30 AM and 6:30 AM
My paper is/was/still is soaking wet--unusual but it does happen.

Talked with Aunt Bonnie this morning, and she has lots of arthritis swelling, and pain this morning.
Sean, begins, some new medicine today.
This is the day, our Lord has made, and supplied us with new mercies, and sufficient grace for this moment.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Does that seem like a long time ago. Year of WWII closure, but also my birth year. Another new year of beginning. 63 years ago, my mom and dad's life was changed. They became parents, and I became a child, a son, a grandson, a great grandson, a nephew, a baby. Different titles, different meanings, different relationships.
Another year--Had some phone calls from the boys. Kelly and Barb got me a new Elgin wrist watch, it is beautifully nice, Thanks. Lots of cards, and phone calls, thanks.
We either live and get older, or die younger. Choice is really not ours, if we take care of our selves.

We went to Nursing home this afternoon, and sang. Preaching tonight on the 'Cornerstone, 1 Peter 2: 4-8)
See you tomorrow!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

My Birthday week

Tomorrow is my 63rd. Yesterday, was Kevin's 37th. Last night, at the singing, they sang "Happy Birthday" to me, and gave me a card with everyone having signed the card. Was very nice, and I appreciate what all did. Thanks

Barb, got me a new pair of 'new balance' black tennis shoes for Father's Day, and Kelly and Barb got me a new watch for my birthday.

Tomorrow, my birthday, is a corporate day of worship, morning and evening, with nursing home in afternoon. Arline, is taking us out for lunch, if there is time. Thanks

to everyone.

Sun is shining today

Southwest Missouri is on tract to be the wettest year on record. 13 major storms in 5 months time, with Federal Relief. (Tornado outbreaks, Flooding, Flash flooding, and Ice Storms, 13 in 5 months, Springfield had 33 water rescues in one day last Friday, more than the last 5 YEARS put together, and they had 3 yesterday in the flash flooding episode. I Personally believe God is telling us to wake up. I've never been into future thinking and preaching, but since 911 there has been several tornado outbreaks, Katrina, a tsunami, major earthquakkes around the world

So the question is: Are you ready to meet the Lord, when you draw your last breath? Whether, it be as Tim Russert, a car wreck, or in terminal lingering, or if the Lord came right now?

He (the Lord) is just a prayer away, when we acknowledge sin, and Trust Him as Savior, and Boss (Lord).

Friday, June 20, 2008

God is so good, and all the time, HE is good.

We all have experiences, we have happenings, situations, sometime frustrating, sometime joyous. We are to always praise our Heavenly Father. Last night, we previewed the movie with other pastors and their spouses, "Fireproof" put out by the same church, that produced "Flywheel" and "Facing the Giants". Very powerful movie. Will be coming to the theatre's September 26, our 44th Wedding Anniversary.
I haven't posted for over a week, I'm really surprised, that I haven't but facts are, I haven't"
Last weekend was "Father's Day" and I heard from Kelly and Kevin. Sure Patrick, was busy, and Randy was sick.
Tonight, is our 3rd Friday sing, and so, it is a full evening, upcoming. But it will be good. Faye is singing, and she is always good, but so is Tony DeLong, Sharon Benett, Jim Nickle, the Bryant's and many more.
Sunday, I will be another year older, #63. Today, is our baby's 37th. He, along with Patrick, and Randy, are real blessings to their mother and I. As men, as Godly dad's and husbands. Thanks be to the Lord, for His abundant blessings on us.
My heart is heavy, with my 29 year old nephew under going treatments, test, you name it at MD Anderson, Houston. Pray for Sean, Elena, my brother Kent and wife, Jean.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Music--on the edge, southern gospel, contemporary

Casting Crowns, does a good job. We attended, no we worshipped the Lord, tonight in a concert in Springfield, at Ridgecrest Baptist with Hosea Bilyeu and his' nephews, "Big Smith". I was awed with the music, that Hosea had written over the years. Bottom line, I was blessed.

Write more later.

Thank you Lord, for giving me this day.

Who Am I Casting Crowns

Monday, June 2, 2008

Errands, read, write letter

Monday, is bank day, run vaccum day, pay bill day. One of these days, when I draw my last breathe on this side of eternity, and the next breathe I take will be when the Lord says, "Enter in, you are home" Wow!! And all the bills are paid, sin taken care of, Grace suffient. Meet those who have gone on, and wait for those who are coming in the presense of Almighty. Oh, the blessings of the beauty of the landscapes of Heaven, the atmosphere of the peace of Heaven, the smell of the purity of Heaven. Life for eternity in the sweet sweet surroundings of Heaven. Dad, Grandmas, and Grandpas, those precious ones who minister to us, who have gone on. Vera, Catherine, Arbie, Illa, Linda, Lois, Ardith, Cecil, George, Glen, Jesus.
I 'm preparing for another reunion, down here, with Barb's family, "The Harter's" on September 14---hope it goes well, and many will see the love of Christ in us.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


What a privilege, a blessing of God, to live in America, and the freedom of our choice to come together and worship the Lord Jesus Christ.

We went to the Dairy Queen in Marionville tonight following evening worship, and we sang, "Amazing Grace" to the tune of "America the Beautiful"

God is faithful, always. We are blessed with health, with freedom, and as the saying goes, "Gas is high, but God is higer, food is high, but God is higher--schedules are tight, But God is priority.

When we love the Lord, we obey the Lord. Let us be lovers of the Lord Jesus Christ, the King of kings and the Lord of Lords.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Up to Kansas City and Back

Yesterday was Kelly's big 30 weekend, and her friend had a surprise party for her. Actually Sunday is her birthday. This was at a Cajun Louisiana Jazz restaurant. There was 9 of us. We gave her a new life application Bible with her name on it. It was a nice trip up and back, little tiring on the way back home, but we were back home and in bed before 11.

Randy, Megan and Breana are here this weekend. He fixed some chicken on the grill, actually he was going to, but Barb did it, and it was delicious, with pasta salad, and lots of fresh fruit in the house. Pineapple, watermellon, strawberries, banannas, plums and probably more.

I have napped awhile, studied a while, napped some more--polished sermon some more. Preaching on prayer out of Revelations 8.

Still reading on Heaven by Randy Alcorn---very thought provoking, life changing, I recommend it, in fact we bought a second copy.

Talked to Patrick today, and Zach, is much much better. Praise the Lord.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Getting ready for VBS

Still 2 months out or almost 8 weeks. I believe Vacation Bible School to be the greatest evangelistic tool of the modern day church. Vacation Bible School, as is any ministry done right, is WORK. Work to get ready, work in the midst of, and the follow up is work. It is not a vacation, but the benefits of the Kingdom of God, to use a week of vacation for the Kingdom.
Our director of VBS, is Andrea Makoski, and she is a organizer, pusher, shover. Thank you, Lord, for Andrea.
Barb and I picked up some of the VBS material yesterday, for distribution to the workers.

Pray, and pray, and pray

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


The Lord has blessed us with much rain this season. Water, water every where. Last year the lakes was low, farmers were drilling deeper and new wells. Ground water we are told, has come up significantly, lakes remain at flood stage, rivers are still out of their banks or brim full. There are seasons of growing faster than others. The grass is growing so fast, I think, we could actually mow it 3 times a week right now.
I'm digesting 2 books right now, but not that fast--one is by Ravi Zacharis, and the other by Randy Allcorn, called "Heaven". With Ravi's, I have to keep a dictionary close by, and with Allcorn's need to keep the Bible close by, and that is OK.

Several Prayer request today:

Our grandson, Zach, with a severe reaction to an antibiotic, that had penicilin in it.
A Nephew, Sean, with (Aplastic anemia)
A church member friend, Beth, thrown from a horse yesterday afternoon. Praise the Lord, for no broken bones, and no internal bleeding.
Also, Christine, who fell, and is now wearing a arm support.

"Let us lift our eyes, unto the hills, from whence cometh our Help"

Friday, May 23, 2008

Last Minute details

Sermon polishing, getting ready for Memorial day, and we do the Lord's Supper, for "In Remembrance of Him". But I'm preaching on prayer of the church, and "What Can I Give Jesus"
I don't usually preach and do the Lord's Supper, but this Sunday--will.

When we think, of what Jesus gave, that we might have LIFE, what veterans have given that we might have freedom, but with out the Lord, there is no freedom or life until we fully trust Him.

My nephew is in M D Anderson, Houston, Texas. Praying for him, his wife, my brother, Kent and his wife Jean--during this crisis.

Tomorrow is reunion with my mother's family.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

My heart aches for the Steven Curtis Chapman family

Oh, the tragic news this morning of the death of Steven's daughter, and the emotions for her brother who was driving the vehicle. May we keep them all in our prayers.

David Cook, winner of American Idol, a Missourian. Not my choice, but he really was the most diverse talented young man. I believe both of the David will do well though.

Pray for me today, in some upcoming major decisions.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I voted, my first time, on American Idol

Wow, I got through, will my man win. Tonight, will tell, right. David A. has been my choice from the begininning of my watching. Last night, I thought there was no choice. David C. OK, but it really was David A. the whole night.

What is really vital? Our Father's love, Hebrews 13:5 promises He will never leave me, (you) nor forsake me / you. God can be trusted, His Son, Jesus, can be trusted. God is faithful. He is always present to hear my sincere and your sincere prayers, to lift us up, and give us genuine Hope He rescues me, protects me, for I cried out to the Lord, acknowledged my sin, and acknowledged His Name. He is the King of kings, and the Lord, of lords.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Reunions, and reunions

Friday evening, Bryan Arnold was with us for our 3rd Friday Singing @ Morning Star, with "The Bryant's" and 'Sharon Bennett. Bryan is a one handed classical pianist, but he can make the old piano rock. Bryan lost his left leg as a child in a lawn mower accident, and then in adult hood, was crippled more so, due to a automobile accident on I-44 on black ice with a semi.
Saturday, Billings High celebrated their 79th Alumni with 88 present. The oldest present was a 90 year old, and the youngest 3 graduating seniors.

This coming Saturday, will be the Hopkins, Gent Reunion in Bolivar.

This week is also our grandson, Zach's first birthday on Saturday. He is one of 14 grandchildren, God has blessed us with. God has truly blessed us with 3 sons, 5 grandsons, 9 granddaughters, and the mothers of our grandchildren. I'm so grateful for a Godly praying wife, and friend. We enjoyed Silver Dollar City yesterday. A truly beautiful day in the Missouri Ozarks. A good breeze on a near 90 degree day, but it was wonderful.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

'the fear of the Lord, the beginning of wisdom'

Oh, that the Lord would be reverenced,
to acknowledge our thirst for Him,
to Hunger for Him,
to exalt Him, in Worship,

to acknowledge His mercy,
His grace, to repent of pride,
and live in the joy of the Lord.
God is soooooooooo good,
God is soooooooooo good,

I'll praissssssseeeeee His Name,

Thanks you Lord, Jesus

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Ice Storms, Tornados, cyclones, earthquakes, floods, storms

But God is always with us. Praise His Holy Name for His omnisciense, omnipresence, omnipotence. All knowing, all present, all powerful. Powerful to allow the storms of life to come our ways sometime, and we have a choice to call on Him in praise, or forget, or ignore, or as Peter did, deny.
Storms strengthen the oak trees, but sometimes in the tornadoes, the ice storms even the oaks get pruned back. Times when I get pruned back, and God's Word says He does sometime prune us, that we might bear more fruit. Praises to the Lord. Are we learning, drawing any closer, acknowledging any pride, have we been humbled before the Master. I pray we all have discerned HE IS IN CONTROL. Jesus loves me, this I know, why? from experience and the
B I B L E tells me so.

Did you all watch American Idol tonight? I hope David A. pulls it out, but it'll probably be David C.??

Pray for Bob Rost, Shanna Smith, and Geneva Smith today, with me.

Monday, May 12, 2008


I was blessed this weekend with 11 of our 14 grandchildren, 2 of our 3 sons, my mother, who will be 85 in November, being in our home for Barb's Mother's Day. And they were in worship with us Sunday, with the exception of my mom.
The boys, cooked on the grill, steak, back bone, chicken and grilled asparagus. It was all delicious.
Not only did we celebrate Mother's Day, it was Abby's birthday week, and she will be 11 on Friday.
Today, I've been to hospital to visit one having a angie gram (came out OK); and another having had lung surgery (had never smoked or been around smoking to any degree---but had lung cancer---but out of 40 lymp nodes--no cancer) So it was isolated and they took it all from the lung. Praise the Lord.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Home again, home again--good to be home

Barb and I, were able to experience Big Cedar cabin life, south of Branson on the full Table Rock Lake. Beautiful greenery, very little breeze, just enough to sense the sensation of the occasional refreshing coolness. We enjoyed our reading material on the deck, above the ravine behind us. I was enjoying John Maxwell's Leadership Gold, and Barb was reading Ravi Zacharis latest writing.
We had anticipated driving into Cox South for a church member's C-section, but that didn't happen, as Dr. said, they needed to wait just a little longer. Though we intended to go, with no thoughts of doing differently, it did free us for a day in Branson. We experience Sight and Sound Theatre ticket line for almost 3 hours of standing/waiting. Branson Landing was unusually full of shoppers, walkers, tourist, and just sightseerers. Guess what? Barb found her some shoes.
Then after arriving home, though the Dr. had said, the little one was not ready for delivery, his mother's water broke, and he was born at 2:30 AM Wednesday morning.
After catching up on phone calls, meeting some deadlines. I have a upcoming family reunion, a school alumni reunion, Mother's Day, and a baccalaureate.
I'm praying through all of these past, present, and future experience, Jesus will be radiated in our/my life. Oh, to see souls free from the bondage of sin and hell.
God has sure blessed us this season with rain, the ground water definitely needs replenished.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Getting Ready

To do, to go, to_________. Getting ready for Crane Baccalaureate, Sunday, May 11, Getting ready for Mother's Day, May 11, Getting ready for cemetery decoration where my mom's parents (My grandma and grandpa Hopkins) are buried. They always have what they call 'Decoration Day' on Mother's Day weekend.
This Sunday, is Gideon Sunday at Morning Star. A dear friend and brother in Christ will be speaking, Brother Ed Mullins, who is also a financial servant. His sweet wife is, Shirley, and is the manager/director of Pregnancy Life Center, in Branson West.
Getting ready to take a couple of nights away. My special mother--Barb's mom--who is 80 will be staying nights in our home and to assist my mother in her needs. Barb's mom, is going on a bowling tournament Saturday and Sunday in Columbia. She is a very active lady.
Getting ready to seek the face of God, first and foremost 24/7

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Sad night for Brooke White / National Day of Prayer

I cried, or was teary eyed for Brooke, and as she sang. I personally think that is just not right, or mean. I thought Jason would of been the one to of left, but I WAS WRONG AGAIN. Paula, what was her problem--anyway it draws voters, millions of them.

Today, this great nation, God has blessed, has set aside this day to Pray. As we pray for us, that we would be found faithful, as God is faithful to bless Him, with obeidence because I love the Lord. The Bible says, "If we love the Lord, I will obey the Lord. Praying for the President, Congress, Judges, State Government, County Government, City Government, Local School boards and faculty, the churches that they will be found exalting Jesus in everything, for specifically Christian families, that they will truly be Christ-like.
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditations of my heart, be acceptable unto the Lord, Who is the Rock of Ages.

May Day--give a flower to someone not expecting it today.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


He/ God is always with me. He protects me, He is here.

Monday, April 28

God's Word talks of visiting the sick. I and Barb, were at Cox South yesterday with a family while one was having a angiegram. Praise the Lord, no blockages, no abnormalities. Praying and claiming to the Promises.
Visited with a pastor friend in surgical ICU. He is doing well. PTL

Sunday: April 27

Blessed by God, with His presence, Sunday morning, evening and afternoon 24 /7. Bible study in small group, Sunday morning, was dealing with being humble before God. Humility, a attitude of appreciation for the Lord, His' guidance, provisions, mercy, grace, kindness, and salvation.
Worship centered around God's love, and our love for God, by loving all. Lunch at Dairy Land in Crane. I had a cheese burger, and there were 5 of us at the table. Then on to the Nursing Home to share Jesus in song. Spent the rest of the afternoon at the church facility, waiting on Masters Voice. They got tied up in road construction, but arrived in plenty of time to lead us in an evening of worship to the Lord Jesus Christ.
God was there, He is always there, He never ever leaves us, nor does He forget about us. Praise the Lord.
Trust in the Lord, and lean not to our own logic

Friday, April 25, 2008

Friday--April 25

Today is my sister in laws birthday #44. She was 4 Months and 29 days old, when Barbara and I were married. Time flies. Only 5 days left in April, wow!

Sunday is coming, and it is already Friday. Not sure who reads what, but always remember your pastor in prayer, specifically as they prepare for speaking to the church. God is speaking not only to the pastor, but every family rep.

God has directed me of late, keep it simple, basics, last Sunday on prayer, this coming Sunday on L O V E.
Reminded that God's love lifted me up out of the mire and dirt of sin, humble me, and revealed Himself to me. Has He you.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

VOTES ARE IN, the voters have voted.

Shows you what I know. I would never thought Carley and Seshia would of been on the bottom of the pack.
But, from God's perspective, His Word, the Truth, there are many who are going to be surprised or surprised at who are God's Kingdom, and who is not. Now, I know there is no tears in heaven, and there would be if we knew who had gone to hell. Psalm says, we are not to learn upon our own understanding. Whether man, or nations, or religions like it or not, "Jesus, says, "I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE---NO MAN COMETH TO GOD THE FATHER, BUT THROUGH ME" I didn't say, but God's Word, says it.

Carley and Seshia (not spelled right) on American Idol were not the worst, but it is who the voters says, was. When we draw our last breathe, there is one Voter, God the Father, will either say enter in thou good and faithful servant, because you have trusted in My Son, Jesus Christ, or depart from Me, for I never knew you.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

American Idol

We don't normally watch it, wasn't even sure how it plays out, and we'll be at prayer meeting tonight, so. Having watch it last night, I thought Brooke did a good job, after she restarted, and Jason's song, evidently was not him--but my vote went to the first girl on.

The Scripture for today, for me is: Matthew 6: 21---"where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" I have thought about, meditated about this verse, and this verse says alot about priorities, committments and loyalities. Is it Jesus, 24/7, I would like to say, yes it is, but a 100%, no. I feel like Peter right now, what I want to do, I don't do, and what I do, is no, no.

Have a pastor friend, whose wife has cancer on the lung, and another pastor friend whose 34 year daughter is going through a serious bout with thyroid cancer.

Life is hard, but God is good, and always there

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Chocolate Chip Cake

This cake I made reference to earlier, is Becky Stewart's recipe, that Barbara has adjusted, which Barb almost always does. This cake is extremely rich and delicious.


1 Yellow cake mix
3 eggs
6 oz. Sour Cream
2/3 cup oil
2/3 cup water
1 Pkg. of chocolate pudding
6 oz. Chocolate chips.

Stir together. Pour mix into bundt or angel food pan. Bake in preheated oven at 325 for a hour to a hour and 10 minutes.

Ice with Chocolate icing. Then when you serve, serve with Wilderness cherry filling over cake, with vanilla ice cream to side.

The Cactus Cuties sing The National Anthem

I found this very encouraging, hope this inspires each one who reads it also.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Tired Monday

Monday is my rest day, but not really. Preached AM & PM--on praying, prayer. We were privileged to go to the Nursing Home yesterday, we minister basically through music and prayer.
Sing the old hymns, and they enjoy them. Worship was wonderful, yesterday in all settings. I had not slept well at all, Saturday night. If it was not a cramp, it was just lying awake. We are so blessed in this great country of the freedom to get to go worship together with other believers. God has been so good to us, and to me, for the privileges of ministering the Word of God. Yesterday, we looked at the basics of prayer, and then praying.
3 years ago, yesterday, dad began a new life of no suffering, and the eternal presence of God for ever and ever. Not just because he died, but because he had trusted his life to the Lord Jesus Christ, was he perfect, no neither is anyone else, except the one he trusted his life to: THE LORD JESUS. Dad is no longer tired, but resting and worshipping the Lord forever and ever.
Monday is also, vaccum, dust, change beds, Barb gives mom a shower day, I get articles faxed to the newspapers, run errands to bank, to town, and now I'm more tired.
I better go rest.
Psalm 123: 1 "I will lift my eyes to the Lord"

Saturday, April 19, 2008


My brother and family was shaken yesterday morning with the quake of Illinois. Many felt it here in southwest Missouri, I slept through it. My brother had some metal art work, that continue to vibrate at least a minute after the quake. They were shaken around 5 in the morning, but again around 10 AM.
Life happens, we never know when we answer the phone, the door, or a conversation, what is going to be heard. What we hear, does shake us. Sometimes it is only a minor tremor with no effect, but it was programmed into our mental computer. Then there is the relational breakdown, the expectant or sudden loss of a loved one, and the quake is more significant. Those major quakes, have a longer lasting impact.
That word, 'impact' reminds me of a collision of ideals, of cars, of ________. The more force, the greater the 'impact'.
Pastoring is constantly dealing with first in my life, my family, my church family quakes, tremors, crisis. I thank God for the call to care for and shepherd people. I love people, and truly, truly want to be found faithful caring for my people
Tomorrow is sermon day, always remember me in prayer.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Listen, the word for today.

Listen to God, Listen to spouse, Listen the family, listen to co-workers--listen.
Now what have you heard, if you listened it was life changing. Make today, tonight, or the day the Lord hath given you that you are reading this, let it make a difference in someone's life today.
We always have a opinion, a thought, a word, but stop and listen to the bird singing, to God speaking to me, through _________.
Barb and I are going to hear Karen Peck & New River, Mark Bishop, Ascension Quartet, and Gold City Quartet tonight. Might we / I be a good listener.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Trash Day

Where does all the trash come from? I can't believe how much trash we have each week. Junk mail, grocery packaging, veggie cans, but a fairly decent gondolla size full and sometimes 2 of them.
How much trash do we accumulate in our beings, our minds, that need to be shredded and dumped? Acknowledging sin, sinful situations, repenting and turning from sin to righteousness.

Izzy this morning, (our black lab and border collie mix pet) was all tangled up this morning. She is so spoiled, but you can't help but love her, and play with her. She loves her squeakee toy, and to play catch with it.
This is sermon wind down day, time to get it all polished, so to speak. Pray.

Pray for our family, church family, extended family.

Pray for souls to be saved in our family.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

April 16---Windy, Sunny, maybe 75 today

Today is the day, the Lord hath made, Let me, us, rejoice and be glad in this day! God is good, all the time, and all the time, God is good.

My schedule today, is a busy one today---Pastor's prayer time this morning and I'm thankful it is a prayer time. Post office, going to hospital to visit/minister to a church member--praying for this member and family, going to a funeral at 2, having evening dinner with Kelly who is here prior to leading Wednesday evening prayer time.

We either tape or watch Biggest Loser, and last night Ali won, lost 112. And while we watched last night, I couldn't believe, I was eating a piece of Barb's delicious Chocate chip cake, and ice cream. Now that is not normal--but that was our night.

I need to loose 112 too, might this be the day of beginning. I would like to see our grandchildren raised, all 14 of them. To accomplish that, it really means loosing some of this weight.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tax Day April 15, 2008

Nothing like waiting till the day of reckoning. E-filed our taxes today.

One day the Lord is going to say, today is your day, come home. So whether it be today, tomorrow, or 50 years out------it will occur. Grateful I'm ready, He prepared for me, by going to Calvary, I prepared by acknowledging I'm a sinner, and my need for Him.I took the gift, of Jesus, I opened the package, and said, "Thank You, Jesus---for saving me!" Pray you are ready.

Today--with tax preparation, Bible study, a Caring for Kids meeting with Silver Dollar City and Crane School, I attended the funeral of a Godly 98 year old. Think of all the changes, he had gone through---17 different Presidents, 5 wars, and the technology. But God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

Kelly, is here this week. Kelly adopted us as her parents several years ago, and today she and Barb have gone out to eat today.

Humor for today: Knock, Knock Who is there? Will
Will Who?
Will you let me come in?