Thursday, April 24, 2008

VOTES ARE IN, the voters have voted.

Shows you what I know. I would never thought Carley and Seshia would of been on the bottom of the pack.
But, from God's perspective, His Word, the Truth, there are many who are going to be surprised or surprised at who are God's Kingdom, and who is not. Now, I know there is no tears in heaven, and there would be if we knew who had gone to hell. Psalm says, we are not to learn upon our own understanding. Whether man, or nations, or religions like it or not, "Jesus, says, "I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE---NO MAN COMETH TO GOD THE FATHER, BUT THROUGH ME" I didn't say, but God's Word, says it.

Carley and Seshia (not spelled right) on American Idol were not the worst, but it is who the voters says, was. When we draw our last breathe, there is one Voter, God the Father, will either say enter in thou good and faithful servant, because you have trusted in My Son, Jesus Christ, or depart from Me, for I never knew you.

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