Thursday, July 31, 2008

String Fling Concert

What a joy it was to attend the "String Fling Concert" at Ellis Hall, Missouri State University, last evening. Breana was one of the violinist and of course she is the best. It was well planned and flowed well, with the climax being a orchestra of all. It was a night out for Barb and I, we went to 'Rib Crib', and then on to Missouri State.

I'm getting ready for Sunday, pray.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Praise the Lord, Zach's surgery is complete, and he is doing OK. He is doing well.

I Can't believe

It has been almost 2 weeks since I posted. Where has time gone? Minutes by minute, it moves on by. Vacation Bible School was a success, but during that week, my mother's brother was found dead. He was 83, had laid down for an afternoon nap, and didn't wake up, what a way to go for the prepared person. His funeral or memorial service was on Thursday the 24th in Kansas City, and I went, but made it back for Vacation Bible School Family Night. Wow, what a wonderful turnout of parents. We have teamed up with Shiloh Baptist and the Pierson Cumberland Presbyterian for a wonderful experience together with the Lord Jesus Christ. One thing about it, we who have saved, will one day, spend eternity together under the banner of Jesus---THE KINGDOM OF GOD, not a denominational name. As my uncle was being eulogized, I had a cousin, and Barb had a cousin's husband to also pass away.
Yesterday, we had lunch at "The Tower Club" over looking the city of Springfield. It was a very relaxing, enjoyable lunch with Barb and Kelly.

"Holy is the Lord" I love that chorus.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Push, Polish, & Hurry Up

I have a unexpected wedding rehearsal tonight, wedding tomorrow, as a fellow pastor had some heart difficulties this week. So the 3rd Friday singing is tonight, which I will be at, but prior to that have rearranged my schedule to fit in a early wedding rehearsal prior to singing. The Wedding is in Billings, Saturday afternoon.
VBS, Sunday evening with a kick off of a Luau?

Hurry up, Gary

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

All Star's

15 Innings
4 hours and 40 minutes
4 to 3 American League, again, again

It used to be the AL, never won, now it is the NL never wins.

I'm ready for the NL to come back out on top.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

VBS Prep

Last minute decorations, last minute trips to Party Supply houses, last minute trip to Sam's, as I support Barb in the finishing details. The auditorium looks marvelous, with the beach umbrealla on the island, the waves, and the surf boards.
As we prepare to go from Wave 1 to Wave 5 in Bible Truths of the week.
Next Sunday night, is the beginning, with a LUAU---cotton candy, snow cones, hot dogs, and fruits of the islands.
Pray for boys and girls, and their parents to be reached.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Lord's Day is Every Day

yet, we aside the first day of each week, for believers to come together in a corporate worship experience. God desires our worship, our focus, our adoration, our elevating Him, as the King of kings and the Lord of lords.
Randy and the girls have gone home, He will be flying out of KC to Nashville. Patrick and Will left a bout an hour later, heading to Ft. Smith. Pat and I attended th Springfield Cardinal game last night. We had a good time together, watching the game at time with a light rain, sometimes close to a heavy shower. The game was never delayed. But the Cardinals lost by 1. :)
Morning worship was up today. One of those days, when more of our people got there on the same time frame.

Jesus Loves the little children, all the children, of the world, every color, every race,

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Grand Central Station

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, we were privileged to be with Candice, Abby, Emma, Sophia, Elijah, Sammy, Olivia, Amaris, Chaelaa, and baby Jack. And I enlisted Megan, to assist me on Wednesday, good decision. Megan is so much help. Candice, Abby, Emma, and baby Jack, went to a seminar, and we got to develop our knowing one another.
Friday evening, Randy is home this weekend and his girls--Megan, Chelsea, and Breana,
and later Fri. eve. Patrick and Will pulled in from Ft. Smith. Family, Children, are blessings from God.
This AM, my barber, or Barbara, gave Will, Randy, and I a trim, Thanks!
Tonight, going to a Cardinal Springfield game with Patrick and his friend Craigery.
I'm already for tomorrow.

(Diamonds in the Rough" (Children)

"Jesus Loves the Little Children"

Friday, July 11, 2008

The Header

Is our front entrance via--front door to the right, or 'Sunroom door over the flower garden" to the left.

Patrick, took this picture, Barb planted the flowers, God watered it, and blesses it.

Monthly Pastor's Meeting

We enjoyed breakfast, prayer, and fellowship this morning. We laughed, we cried, we praised the Lord. So many needs in our area. "Our hope is found in nothing else, but Jesus Christ, His' blessedness."


We survived, the grandchildren took good care of us. They were wonderful, but we are tired. Wednesday, I enlisted another grand daughter to assist me, as Barb was gone to work. So I called Megan, and she's loves to see her cousins, and she is wonderful help. Megan, is 12, but she is far beyond her years in relationship ministry. It went well. I give all the Glory to God for this. They are all so special, the twins, are buddies but they are individuals. Chaella, requires more nap time than Amaris, Elijah, wants authority, but he does respect authority. Sophia, is so quiet, and easy going, Olivia, struggles some of not being the baby, but their are 3 younger than her, and Sammy, probably has me wrapped around his little finger. He looks so much like Kevin, that summer white hair, and he likes to snuggle on your left arm to read, watch a video. But they all respect, no, not now, wait--and that is wonderful.

"God Will Take Care Of You"

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Getting Ready for the grandchildren

Going to have 6 of Kevin's 9 this afternoon, through tomorrow. We'll have fun. Looking forward to it. Barb will be here this afternoon, but not tomorrow, now that may be a challenge.

Very hot and muggy here today. This has been one of those times--4 funerals in 36 hours. A wedding, and a major accident. God must have a wonderful sense of humor.

I have been trying to update the family tree, and that is always a challenge to get recent info.

"To God Be The Glory"

Saturday, July 5, 2008


Took Mom/Grandma to fireworks last night in Marionville. There was nothing out of the ordinary, but it was good for her to get out of the house. Yesterday, we were just here, so we accomplished the lawn chores, and general patio clean up.
Need to get several birthday cards in the mail today. Sean, will be 30 the 19th, and his wife Elena is having her big day the 12, and Candice, our wonderful daughter in law, and the mother of 9 of our grandchildren, will be having her birthday this week on the 10th. Happy birthday to one and all.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Just a swinging

We got a new porch swing, just us here on the 4th. We sure miss having the family around, but I guess we are to that place in life, where they all have their family. Think, we are going to have steaks afterwhile, and then go to Marionville----to see some fireworks.
So I'll leave you as I'm just a swinging.

"In God We Trust"

the Forth of July, Independence Day, Freedom Celebrations, fireworks, watermelon, cookouts, all because our founding fathers trusted God, established Godly principles or laws for this new nation, no longer under the control of the British, but free to be responsible to God's guidance.
Celebrate, yes, but remember it is more than a hot dog, a sparkler or a cannon, but those who have given much, that we might have this day. Our motto, should be individually all's motto, "In God We Trust"