Friday, October 24, 2008

I'm still thinking

Yesterday, was one of those days. When I finally laid down last night, after a almost 12 hour day with Bruce Wilkerson. Author of "Jabez" "Life Rewards, Beyond Jabez, the Secret of the vine" and many more.
Was an intense time of soul searching, thinking, thinking, and thinking. It was a long day, but it WAS NOT A DAY WASTED.

There were about 70 of us as Pastors, and few spouses that interacted over lining up with God, to serve Him in a greater united way.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I'm Obsessed with what?

The economy, the election up coming, the politics of Biden/Obama vs. Palin/McCain.
What have you talked about today the most? Was it about the One who gave His life, for our redemption, rose victoriously from the grave? I didn't hear anything on the news about Jesus.

Think about this my friends, and my self included.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

II Chronicles 7: 14

"If my people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves and pray, seek My face, turn from their evil, wicked ways, then I will hear their prayers, heal their land"

Friday, October 17, 2008

Todd Smith Family

Smith Family Story from Matthew Singleton on Vimeo.

This video is about 25 minutes long so make sure you have time to watch it. Once it starts you won't want to walk away. It's an amazing story of faith and trust in God.

: This family has a pregnancy that doesn't go as planned. If you think you're ok with it... make sure you have some tissues.

After you've watched the video above... watch the one below.

Todd Smtih "I Surrender All" from Matthew Singleton on Vimeo.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

About half of the family!

Family reunion--------September 14
Over 150 there, this is Barb's mother and 6 of 7 of her brothers and sisters. None of our sons, nor grand kids were there. Grandma Betty or mom out front. Some had already left, by this picture taking. (Michelle's husband, Andy had left.)

Barb and I are right of center. Henry far right, Carol (Shorty) and Michael far left.

A chill in the air--

Sun is beautiful, and so is the day, the Lord hath made, might we truly rejoice and be glad in Him, as we look unto the hills, He has made, and is so beautifully coloring during this season of reds, oranges, yellows, and greens. Wow, Beautiful.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Come, to Jesus, let us adore Him!

This is not just a statement for Christmas, and Thanksgiving is not a just one day a year holiday, but every day, let us come and adore Him, with Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Will & Zach

Maturing Sam

Grandchildren growing up

I love my, our grandchildren. They are precious, and all are different as day and night. Jack, who was born March 17, will be 6 months old Friday, is already walking around things. Wow! Sammy, who was 5 in June after Day Camp has a mustache--wow!!!!!!!

Isn't Will and Zach cuties, walking across the lawn. Big brother taking care of Zach.

Abby, Kevin's oldest, is so responsible as a 11 year old, helping with family responsibilities. Breana, Randy's oldest, will be graduating in 7 months +. I love everyone one of them.

Today, was a Dr. day for my mom, we made it, but it was not easy. She is some weaker, but for almost 85 is doing well. She and I both got our flu shots, so we are winterized.

Barb painted the living room yesterday, and it looks nice, but sure smells like fresh paint. But duh, shouldn't it?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Poor Planning

Has that ever occured in your experiences of life. I had made reservations today for lunch, and paid, without knowing at the time if was going to be literally accross the street from a political rally. It had not been announced yet, when I made the reservations. Traffic, security, the whole 9 yards as Senator Biden was campaigning literally in the same time slot, I was to be in the area.

One day, we are not going to know the plan of God, when He says, "Come Home" or Church Come home. Have you made reservation by trusting Jesus Christ as Lord of your life, or have you actually made reservation for Hell, because you have not trusted Jesus as Lord.

So what kind of planning have you made?

Monday, October 6, 2008

Yes, you are special

Today, think of at least 1 person, who needs encouragement, and encourage them, but also encourage them to find someone to encourage.

Everyone of us are special and we are created in the very image of God. Just think if God has a frig, our picture would be on it.

Our attendance yesterday was down, and no visitors. We had several gone, to family reunions, on trips, or sick. Pray that the Lord would continue to grow the Kingdom of God, through Morning Star.

Friday, October 3, 2008

"Hold to God's Unchanging Hand"

A old song, written in 1958---50 years old, with a tremendous message of Truth. Truth is Jesus, Way and Life.
Song speaks of building on hope of things eternal,
Trust in Him, Who will NEVER leave you, still cling to Him (Jesus)
These heavenly treasures will never pass away-

United States of America Motto: "In God We Trust"

Pray for candidates running for President of this county, and pray God's will be accomplished.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Mark one more job, done!

Guttering is done, praise the Lord.
Still have 2 doors to put up, flue cap back on (blew off during the second tornado), and a vent pipe installed.
Got lots of painting to finish.

We are having wonderful, absolutely beautiful weather. Allergies are terrible, but it is beautiful out.
Thursday, already, October already, in the 10th month of the year. Before we know it, it will be 2009. The seasons are in the midst of change, was 39 this morning. Frost comes, it will kill out some of the pollen. I'm ready.
As we make the needed repairs to the house, what about the house, that our soul lives in. That is what is vital, is who is abiding in this house. If it is not the Lord, ask Him to come in, acknowledge your sins, turn from your sins.

Read His Word, study the Word, live the Word, NOT for salvation, but because you LOVE the LORD JESUS THE CHRIST.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Pray for grandchildren

Guess it is part of being a child, but between gashes, broken bones, busted lips, minor falls and accidents. Please pray for all 14, from the senior who will graduating in the spring, to the youngest at 5 1/2 months is crawling.

Gutter day-Reading buddy--hospital-prayer meetings

Will start my day off today praying with pastors, a wonderful time of being together in prayer. (Assembly, Baptist, Presbyterian, Independent Christian, Non - denominational, Church of God)
and will have a prayer time tonight at Morning Star.

My reading buddy, has become a wonderful time of listening to a lad read, and myself reading to the lad.

Will visit the hospital today of a surgery patient and family.

You know what ever the need, the Lord is Jehovah Jireh, our Provider.