Monday, June 2, 2008

Errands, read, write letter

Monday, is bank day, run vaccum day, pay bill day. One of these days, when I draw my last breathe on this side of eternity, and the next breathe I take will be when the Lord says, "Enter in, you are home" Wow!! And all the bills are paid, sin taken care of, Grace suffient. Meet those who have gone on, and wait for those who are coming in the presense of Almighty. Oh, the blessings of the beauty of the landscapes of Heaven, the atmosphere of the peace of Heaven, the smell of the purity of Heaven. Life for eternity in the sweet sweet surroundings of Heaven. Dad, Grandmas, and Grandpas, those precious ones who minister to us, who have gone on. Vera, Catherine, Arbie, Illa, Linda, Lois, Ardith, Cecil, George, Glen, Jesus.
I 'm preparing for another reunion, down here, with Barb's family, "The Harter's" on September 14---hope it goes well, and many will see the love of Christ in us.

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