Sunday, January 11, 2009

Decisions, choices, consequences

Life changers. Who we date, who we marry, what we choose to buy. To stay with in budget, or use some plastic. Consequences of our choices, can lead in many directions. Unwanted pregnancy, with a unwanted partner, that is no longer a friend, but now is a lazy slob or some other noun. Buy something, and enjoy it for a season, till we can't make the payments, now we have the expense of moving, legal fees, our name in bankruptcy. Now I realize that events can change the plan, but many times, we all or a high percentage have made some stupid commitments. Signed on a dotted line, when we knew at the best, it was going to be tough. Then a Dr. bill comes in, or there is a break down of _________, or we spend $$$ to go to an event, when there was a bill waiting to be paid.
I learned a long time ago, partly from observing my parents, that when you give the Lord His 10%, it begins to establish a guide of priorities hopefully. God does take care of His own, maybe not in a million dollar mansion but righteous will not be forsaken. Praise the Lord. Do I get all of my wants, absolutely not, do I have steak or even meat at every meal, absolutely not, but there is a cracker with peanut butter, or some cheese----but hungry. Not.

God is good, and He is to be followed.

I love you, Lord, and I lift my heart, to worship YOU. I can trust HIM.

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