Monday, July 27, 2009

Going to Bentonville,

Our main purpose for going is to deliver, to pass on, to stretch missions/ministry dollars of our Vacation Bible School material to another ministry that they could reach people for Jesus. The material (90 %) had been given to us. What a savings? Not only was the material given to us, many of the props and pictures were set up also, and then taken down that we could take to Bentonville.
Now I said, that was the main purpose, but a very high perk, benefit was seeing 9 of our 14 grandchildren. We ate at the World Garden Cafe in Bentonvillle, and I highly, did I say HIGHLY-recommend their baked potato, soups and salad bar. I really believe it was the best chicken and rice soup. Their soups are made fresh every day and today they had vegetable beef, chicken and rice, and clam chowder. I had a little chicken and rice, and also some clam chowder. Was delicious.
Then after lunch, we moved to a park in Bentonville for a afternoon of relaxation. Wonderful Park

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